Sunday, May 11, 2008


Build-A-Bear built the perfect online haven for kids. Anyone can join. Everyone starts with the same number of bear bucks and the same possesions. Everyone works their way up the social ladder through perseverance and hard work. Along the way, kids have to make desicions about priorities: do I want to buy furniture for my cub condo, or do I want to buy this shirt? Such descisions teach children the finite quality of money. Eventually, if a child works hard, they will accumulate plenty of stuff. In the process, Build-A-Bearvillers make friends, chat safely, and have fun!

However, Build-A-Bearville recently created the concept of "Store Credit." Simply put, those users spending money at physical Build-A-Bear stores are given exclusive items on Build-A-Bearville. I'm fine with rewarding users for their already-owned Build-A-Bears, but Store Credit gives wealthy users an advantage over less-fortunate users. I don't believe this is the best idea....Build-A-Bear could maximize their profits a different way.
  • "Pawsome Points" take place of "Store Credit": We know that every little bit counts, and "Store Credits" scream a message of "You need more! Buy more! Buy more! Buy more!" I could go on and on about how it could have been a good concept, but its execution (pressuring Build-A-Bearvillers to buy) wasn't the greatest. So, how can we switch "Store Credit" to something more positive? Here's my idea: teach kids the value of hard work. Anyone completing the Be 100% Pawsome promotion would recieve a promotional "code." When purchasing something at Build-A-Bear, mentioning your specific code would take 7% off your purchase amount and give you "Build-A-Bearville Pawsome Points." The catch? Use the code as often as you like, but it'll be invalid at the end of the summer. This encourages several things: hard work (to recieve a code), high purchase amounts (buy more to save more) and frequent visits (this code will expire soon, so we need to use it!). There's no pressuring for Build-A-Bearville users to buy, only to participate in Be 100% Pawsome (which is free). The "Pawsome Points" rewarded wouldn't be measured by your purchase amount - they'd be a constant amount, another reason to come back to Build-A-Bear often.

This would definately be an advantage to Build-A-Bear. No gift card or coupon manufacturing costs, no ruined reputation, and more customers! Build-A-Bear would be wise to impliment this idea.

Thanks for reading - next Tuesday, I'll post on the concept of Build-A-Bearville high score tables (and that'll be a happy article!)!

Until then!


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About Build-A-Bear Buzz

Build-a-Bear Buzz is an independent effort (not affiliated with the Build-A-Bear Workshop company) to bring the buzz to the bear - that is to say, keep Build-A-Bear fans informed. Build-A-Bear Buzz is updated every Saturday. Written by a bear for bears, this blog is the perfect place to get the scoop!

About Me

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Hi! I'm a blogging Build-A-Bear! My name is Lilliana, but you can call me Lilli