The newest edition to the Build-A-Bear family has soft fur, ears bigger than her head, and a new limited edition dress. She is hailed by Build-A-Bearville and by the Build-A-Bear website. What I just said made her sound like any other springtime bunny, but I haven't told all. She's really something special.
She's an out-of-the box idea for Build-a-Bear - a tester. Out of the five bunnies released between January 2000 and February 2005, four were brown and one was white. This new bunny's sales will pave the way for future bunnies. She will show Build-A-Bear whether unusual bunnies are profitable.
The newest bunny is pink.
Yes, pink! Pawsome Pink Bunny (I wonder where they got the name!!) was released on February 15th, and she's all the buzz on and Build-A-Bearville. Not surprising, since Build-A-Bear is anxious to sell their newest idea. I always like it when Build-A-Bear is creative, so I'm pretty happy about this new bunny. However, I really wish that they'd name it more creatively!
On another note, Build-A-Bearville has brand-new fashions available at the Pawlette Coufur Boutique. If you like crazy stripes, leopard-print ballet flats, and beanies worn in the middle of summer, these fasions are just what you're looking for. If you're like the rest of us, you'll stick with the old fashions. Needless to say, I haven't seen anyone in Build-A-Bearville wearing the newest "trends."
Our final topic will be the Ultimate Build-A-Bearville Sweepstakes. Yes, Build-A-Bear has started yet another of their sweepstakes, but you may want to sit up and take notice of this one: the prize is worth $10,000, and it's not in Build-A-Parties or Build-A-Bear merchandise. It's what Build-A-Bear calls a "Home Technology Center," and it includes a brand-new computer, brand-new music equipment, brand-new furniture and $3,000 for "tax assistance as a result of prize acceptance." Wow! This is one you may want to enter.
See you next Saturday!
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